Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring time weather

Spring is coming, the sun is out and the weather couldn't be nicer. Looking forward to the arrival of your fourth grand child. I leave next week for Idaho to be some help to Jennifer who is having their third child a boy. I remember the third child being an adjustment for us we had two sets of eyes and two sets of hands even amounts for two little ones and now you are a little out numbered. Not to give you something to stress about Jennifer.

That is why when we hear that she was to give birth right at the crunch time for David. I told him there was not way I was staying home and he would just have to make the time to handle the boy school and make arrangements to work around their schedule with me out of town.
Johnathan is around and can help out, we tried to convinces him to take some of his paid vacation or sick time he has but he would not agree.

Christopher's first baseball game is the Tuesday before I leave and the last day of the month.
I was talking with the couch and he will be playing has their third baseman. The team is a Major league team and it is his first year playing at that level. They play under the name of the Astros.

Matthew and Christopher just received their third quarter grades and we are every pleased they are both doing great in school. Christopher has a 3.571 GPA , he tells us he wants to go to BYU. He is also helping his father do tax work with preparing the papers for David to enter the work into the computer. David may have a son to carry on the tax practice.

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