Friday, June 13, 2008

Moving Along In School


June 6th Christopher graduated from the sixth grade. the day was a nice sunny day and David and I wlked to the school for the commencement. I had helded the night before in the decorations of the multi purpuse room. We prarents had talked that night and they where all talking of the trears that will be shed. I of course thought this is only Sixth grade I will not shed any tears, It was not the case when the sith grade teachers gave thier comments the tears began to come.

Each year the graduating class leaves something for the school. Rosa the triffic gaurd and noon duty head I work with came up with this idea of making a garden bench with the sixthgraders signing thier names to it and be placed in the school garden. Some of the staff and the sixth grade teachers also signed it so my name is on the bench too for my noon duty service.

See if you can find Christopher's name?

His name is on the right bottom left tile under the timber wolf tile. Mine is on the left tile right under his signed tile.

In that same week Matthew made honor roll for the third time in fourth grade. That makes he a honor roll student for the whole year. He was cutting it close for he was getting lazy and not getting his work turned in and he had a nice teacher who gave extra time to do so with a little push from David and I. He made it with a 3.67 gpa.

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